Holy Shit, I Love You

My last post was essentially a rage blackout, but today, I’m much more calm. So I’m dusting off an old chestnut that will hopefully become a weekly fixture.

Holy Shit, I Love You:

– The fact that it’s was 70 degrees outside yesterday. For the first time in months, I didn’t wear a coat. For the first time in months, I drove home with my windows down and my music loud. I bounded into the house singing Alex Chilton by The Replacements and was in the best mood. I can’t wait for summer. I seriously am warm weather’s clingy girlfriend — “Where are you going? Don’t leave! I love you! Come back!”

– Shane Black directing Iron Man 3. I also hope he writes the movie too because as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang taught us, Shane Black + Robert Downey Jr. = magic.

– The Twilight Singers. Particularly the fact that they will be in Philly in May.

– Skinny Caramel Macchiatos.

Sending Postcards. Alex and Mina got married, sold their house, quit the jobs and decided to travel around the world. They travel, blog and eat. It’s like Anthony Bourdain if he was an adorable multiracial couple.

– Augs teaching me how to drive stick shift.

– Bradley Whitford. As Josh Lyman, as Danny Tripp, as himself. He’s ridiculously attractive, immensely charming and has a wicked sense of humor. I’m totally smitten.